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🥵Days, weeks, hours, continuous, never ending…. Over themed, laminating like crazy, exhausting, never feeling good enough, children not using it as it ‘should be’…..following too many trends, why isn’t this working like I saw on instagram?!

This was me 🙋🏻‍♂️

Then I spent ages thinking about what I was doing and why? Who is it for?

➡️Now: Setting out continuous provision in a way that keeps it open ended, challenging, supportive and engaging.

➡️Come on ‘An Escapade into Provision’ - a! Hour an 40 minute webinar that will help you set out your provision in a way that will not only serve the children but also YOU!!!

Includes examples of planning across the year and an audit for you and your team.

Setting out continuous provision without over theming or over enhancing! Reducing YOUR work load and giving time back to do other things!

Your link and resources are sent out via email - please check your junk mail.

Recording An Escapade into Provision

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    ©2035 by Mr Mc. 

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